Frequently Asked Questions

Can I come to the school to register or ask questions?

Our classroom location does not have office hours at this time. Please call or text us at 260-450-3932 to talk with admissions. Manager Ashlie Buzzard is happy to answer any questions you may have over the phone. Or you can email her here. If you need to come in, please call to make an appointment so we can arrange for someone to be here to help you! We would prefer you use our website to sign up for classes with a credit or debit card.  Materials are distributed at the first class. Once you register you will receive instructions in your confirmation email!  

How much is the 90 hour pre-licensing class?  

Regular price for our course is $660. When you register online and pay in full, you will only be charged $600.

Do you offer Military or First Responder discounts?

❓❓❓ ASHLIE/JOEL - WHAT IS YOUR POLICY ON THIS QUESTION? HERE IS WHAT TUCKER SAYS: Yes! We want to show our appreciation by offering the 90 hour pre-licensing broker course at half price ($299.50) for all veterans, active military, fire fighters and police officers! You will need to email proof or identification to in order to get the discount code. Or call 317-472-2987 for more information!

What happens if I miss a class?

❓❓❓ ASHLIE/JOEL - WHAT IS YOUR POLICY ON THIS QUESTION? HERE IS WHAT TUCKER SAYS: You are allowed to miss four(4) sessions of a live or virtual class only. If you miss more than four, you may have to start all over.

What is the difference between an agent, realtor and broker?

In order to sell real estate professionally, you will first need to get a “brokers” license from your state.  In Indiana, you become a real estate agent or broker as soon as you pass the state exam and apply for your license with the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency (IPLA).  Then, you become a REALTOR when you join your local board.  Learn more about becoming a real estate agent HERE.  

Can I work on my own if I have a brokers license?

A brokers license allows you to work as a real estate agent, but you will need a managing broker license to work independently or start your own company. Before you can get a managing broker license, you have to associate with a company and get at least two years of experience. 

What materials are included with your 90 hour pre-licensing class?


Are your classes live/in person?

Yes!  We have found that people are most successful with in person instructors who can answer your questions and support your learning. We can have up to 35 people in the classroom and masking is optional at this time. We are taking every precaution in our classroom at 7313 W. Jefferson Blvd. Suite B, Fort Wayne, IN 46804.  Please click HERE to see information about our live classes.

What scores do I need and what happens if I don’t pass the class?

❓❓❓ASHLIE/JOEL - WHAT IS YOUR ANSWER ON THIS QUESTION? There is no way to fail the online/ondemand course as it is set up to let you take the tests as many times as you need to in order to pass.  But the live and virtual you do have to average a 75% in order to get your certificate.  If you don’t get 225 points out of 300 on the three tests, you will have to retake the course for $199.00 (live or virtual).  If you want to retake the course online the fee is  $299.50.  

What happens after the class? Do you help us get affiliated with a company?

When you pass the 90 hour pre-licensing course, you will get a certificate that will allow you to take the PSI state exam.  You can see information and schedule for this test at  Taking a class with the Troyer Real Estate School does not affect your ability to associate with us or any other company.

Am I obligated to work with Hoosier Real Estate Group if I take this class?

You are not obligated to join the agency of your instructor Joel Buzzard at Hoosier Real Estate Group if you take our class.

Where do I go to schedule the state exam once I’m done with the 90 hour class?

First you will need to visit, where you will set up your account. If “Real Estate Broker Exam” is not listed as one of your options, you are not in the right place. Click this link to take you to the correct place, or copy and paste into a chrome browser: It’s easy to go to the wrong PSI site since there are several sites in the country. If you are still have issues, you can call them at 855-746-8172.

How do I apply for my license once I’m done with the state exam?

❓❓❓ASHLIE/JOEL - WHAT IS YOUR ANSWER ON THIS QUESTION? Once you join a company, you will go through an “onboarding process” where they should help you with your licensing application to the IPLA.  You can now do an online application for your license and will need to upload your pass forms from PSI and your school certificate. Or you can also mail in your application “Unassigned” until you know what company you are going to work with.  There is a $60 processing fee and they will need your PSI pass forms and school certificate.  If you do send in your paperwork before you affiliate with a company, be aware that this starts your two year time clock for getting your 30 post licensing education.  Most people wait until they join a company to process their license.  

When do I have to take the 30 hour Post Licensing Course?

You will have two years from the date your license is issued “Active” to complete the 30-hour Post Licensing Course. Then after that two year time period, you will start taking 12 hours of continuing education every year between July 1 and June 30.

Do you offer the 24 hour Managing Broker or Broker Education/Activation Course?

No, we are not offering this course at this time.

For realtors looking for continuing education classes to fulfill their post-licensing requirements, click here.